VE3RIB repeater
Atikokan, ON
147.120 +
VE3RIB-1 digi
Atikokan, ON
144.390 (APRS)
VE3RIB-2 digi
Flanders, ON
144.390 (APRS)
VA3EOA station
Atikokan EOC
- VHF radio
- HF radio
- APRS digi
- Winlink & digi modes
VE3YIB station
Atikokan Airport
Winlink RMS
Bass Classic 2010
For the second year, the Atikokan Amateur Radio Club assisted with the Atikokan Bass
Classic, providing radio communications from the Marmion Lake landing to the weigh-in
tent. Normal communications, including cell phone, is not possible from the boat
launch. However, amateur radio volunteers were able to easily work the VE3RIB repeater
with their handhelds (though fixed 50 watt stations were setup as a backup).
Erik VE3ENL worked the weigh-in tent, while Jeff VE3JTD and Margaret VE3OWL worked
the landing. Vic VE3AKX organised the club's efforts, and donated mobile radios and
power supplies for the effort.
Field Day 2010
Six hearty souls braved the sun and the rain on an island on Finlayson Lake to particpate
in Field Day 2010 as a 2A station. Contacts were made throughout North America on
five watts primarly running VE3FYN's Icom 703 and a 20 metre Buddipole.
December 2009, Tower Climb
On 5 December 2009, six hardy club members braved -20° Celcius weather to work on
the repeater tower. Warren VE3FYN climbed, while Vic VE3AKX, Jason VE3PEJ, Paul VA3JSV,
George, and Margaret, worked as ground crew (mostly retrieving gloves that fell off
the tower). A four-bay folded dipole no longer in use was removed to be installed
at the Town Hall VA3EOA station. Also a feedline (loaned from Vic) was raised and
connected to the beam antenna that will be used for the Upsala link.
August 2009, Camp 807
For the first time ever, the Atikokan Amateur Radio Club hosted Camp 807.
July 2005, RCMP Musical Ride
With support from the Amateur Radio Society of Dryden, the AARC provided crowd-control
and communications when the RCMP Musical Ride was hosted in Atikokan. Volunteers
included VE3FYN (Warren) from Atikokan and VA3EXT (Scott) VA3DIK (Dick), VA3UDP (Bob),
VA3RGA (Rick), VE3ASS (Leo), and VA3LYS (Mel). They participated to help get parking
arranged and keep the crowd from entering inside the roped-off area where the ride
took place.