Up NWO HF Net NWO EOC Net Sunday Net

EOC Stations:

Thunder Bay


Fort Frances

Sioux Narrows

Nestor Falls



Ear Falls

Winlink RMS

Amethyst District ARES

Providing emergency communications for Northwestern Ontario

RAC ARES Website
Amethyst DEC Woody Linton, VE3JJA

NWO Weekly HF Net

We conduct an open weekly HF net on 80 and 40 metres.The purpose of this net is to monitor regional propagation conditions, share information, and practice net procedures.

Wednesdays at 00:00 UTC (8:00 pm Eastern, 7:00 pm Central)

Frequency: Primary 3.675 MHz LSB (ALPHA)

At 21:15, a second net control operator will QSY to 7.135 MHz LSB (BRAVO) and take check-ins from more distant stations in Amethyst District.

Voice Procedures

Please review the following Voice Procedure document for effective communications.

Net Preamble

For Net Control Stations, here is the net preamble.

Weekly Exercises

Following each net, we host a brief training exercise. Exercise topics are listed on the net schedule below.

Slack channels are used for coordination during the exercises. Contact one of the net control operators for a link to the Slack channels.

EmComm Frequencies

Here is the complete list of  National HF EmComm Frequencies.

The Net Manager Woody Linton, VE3JJA.


Net Control


26 June 2024

Eric, VE3XET

At NCS discretion

3 July 2024

Chris, VA3ECO\

At NCS discretion

10 July 2024

Woody, VE3JJA

At NCS discretion

17 July 2024

Eric, VE3XET

At NCS discretion

24 July 2024

Chris, VA3ECO

At NCS discretion

31 July 2024

Woody, VE3JJA

At NCS discretion

7 August 2024

Eric, VE3XET

At NCS discretion

14 August 2024

Chris, VA3ECO

At NCS discretion

21 August 2024

Woody, VE3JJA

At NCS discretion

28 August 2024

Eric, VE3XET

At NCS discretion

4 September 2024

Chris, VA3ECO

At NCS discretion

11 September 2024

Woody, VE3JJA

At NCS discretion